We, WORK SHOP STEP INTERNATIONAL Co., Ltd. started as an import apparel shop.。
As we operate our business, our customer base is also in their 30s and 40s, and has grown along with us.In addition to clothes that add color to their lives, there has also been an increase in demand for physical disorders and long-term health.きました。
That's when I came across a product called ACCAPI.品です。
Developed EQT fiber material using technology born in Italy's aerospace industry technology.In addition, a neckband for dogs as well as humans was born.ました。
Just like humans, pets age too. People and pets share the same desire to stay healthy for a long time.じです。
In 2019, we will start the Pet Division in earnest.ト。
I started to turn my attention to the field of pet medicine because I saw the same changes as humans in dogs that had reached the senior stage of pets.I want to deliver good things to customers. Hmmは変わりません。
smile to everyone。
-smile for you-
this is our thoughts。

Possibilities of EQT fiber material presented at academic conferences

Dr. Munehito Tatsumoto, Professor of Medical Safety Promotion Center, Dokkyo Medical University Hospital, made an epoch-making attempt to prevent falls by using EQT fiber material that stabilizes trunk function in patients with decreased trunk function. Patients admitted to surgical ward 1 of Dokkyo Medical University Hospital for a month were asked to wear wristbands with EQT fiber material attached to them and spend their days in the hospital. did数・転倒率が減少しました。


Rui Animal Hospital Yamaguchi Recommended by veterinarians

house call specialist「Rui Animal Hospital」So, there are many dogs with weak legs and bedridden dogs, and we provide medical care that is close to the feelings of the owners who want to spend a day together in good health. He runs a store called Gurei and proposes self-medication for pets. STEP EQT neckbands are jointly developed to make both people and dogs happy, and are involved in medical care from actual owners. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Yamaguchi Veterinarian.すのでお気軽にご相談ください。